Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute Announces Retirement of Executive Director


The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute Board of Trustees has announced that after twelve years of service leading the Foundation, its Executive Director, John D. Heubusch, will retire on December 31, 2021.  The foundation’s Board of Trustees will immediately begin a search for his replacement.

“It’s been the honor of my life to preserve and promote the legacy of Ronald Reagan with so many talented people at such a special place,” said Heubusch.

“John’s leadership has brought the Foundation to new levels and he will be deeply missed,” said Frederick J. Ryan, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  “We are grateful for his service and wish him much success in this next chapter of his life.”

Under Mr. Heubusch’s management, the Foundation conducted a worldwide celebration of Ronald Reagan’s centennial anniversary, completed the total renovation of the most celebrated and most visited Presidential Museum in the nation, established the new and highly successful Reagan Institute in Washington, D.C. and grew the organization’s endowment by hundreds of millions of dollars to its highest amount on record.”

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is the nonprofit organization created by President Reagan himself and specifically charged by him with continuing his legacy and sharing his principles – individual liberty, economic opportunity, global democracy and national pride. The Foundation is a non-partisan organization which sustains the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA, the Reagan  Center for Public Affairs, the Presidential Learning Center, The Air Force One Pavilion and the award-winning Discovery Center, as well as the Reagan Institute, which carries out the Foundation’s work in Washington, D.C.