Waste Management Workers in Simi Valley Ratify Contract with Teamster


Agreement Contains Substantial Wage, Benefit Increases

After nine months of negotiations, workers at Waste Management, Inc. (WMI) in Simi Valley, Calif. have voted by a 97 percent margin to ratify their first contract with Teamsters Local 186.

“These workers were tired of the harassment and mistreatment from management, so they fought hard to organize and then they fought hard for a collective bargaining agreement,” said Abel Garcia, Local 186 Secretary-Treasurer. “This was a long, tough fight but we overcame the company’s stall tactics. The WMI Negotiating Committee hammered out the issues and stuck together throughout the process. It’s a great first contract.”

The contract includes a number of substantial improvements, including significant annual wage increases, overtime guarantees, pension contributions, and a better, more affordable union health care plan.

Juan Moreno, a residential driver who has been with WMI for over 24 years, served on the union negotiating committee and is proud to be working under a strong Teamster contract.

“With the union, work is better for everyone,” said Moreno. “The pay is better, they have to treat us better, and now we have the confidence to talk about our problems and concerns. My wife is in a union, so I’ve seen how other people in a union are at work. They’re much happier, much less stressed on the job.”

Teamsters Local 186 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout Ventura County and the surrounding communities. For more information, go to https://www.teamsterslocal186.org/.